The Choice of Informative Parameters of the Cardiovascular System for Assessment of Physiological Effects of Hypogravity
Anton Cherepov
Daria Pozdeeva
Elena Arkhipova
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-2, January 2015
Pages: 48-57
Received: 19 December 2014
Accepted: 23 December 2014
Published: 31 December 2014
Abstract: Changes in cardiovascular system (CVS) under conditions of hypogravity simulated using 7- and 21-day ortho- and antiorthostatic hypokinesia at different angles were studied. The aim of the experiment was selection of informative CVS parameters most sensitive to these conditions. Simultaneous recording of 26 CVS parameters on a spiroartheriocardiorythmograph showed that the most sensitive parameters were blood pressure (BP) variability indexes in functional tests: differences in groups with varying degrees of orthostatic hypokinesia (+ 9.6˚ and + 15˚) were observed starting from the first week of the experiment. By day 21, pronounced changes in the total spectral power of diastolic BP variability were noted in the group exposed to constant antiorthostasis. This parameter significantly surpassed the corresponding value in the groups with milder conditions. Significant increase in the LF component of diastolic BP in groups exposed to severe antiorthostasis and orthostasis was detected. Presumably, autonomic mechanisms affecting the systolic and diastolic BP under conditions of hypogravity simulation are different, at least partially.
Abstract: Changes in cardiovascular system (CVS) under conditions of hypogravity simulated using 7- and 21-day ortho- and antiorthostatic hypokinesia at different angles were studied. The aim of the experiment was selection of informative CVS parameters most sensitive to these conditions. Simultaneous recording of 26 CVS parameters on a spiroartheriocardiory...
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Flight Factors Influence on Human Lymphocyte Radioadaptive Response and Gamma-Interferon Production
Elena Arkhipova
Irina Alchinova
Mikhail Karganov
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-2, January 2015
Pages: 43-47
Received: 10 December 2014
Accepted: 13 December 2014
Published: 27 December 2014
Abstract: Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) is a pleiotropic cytokine with antiproliferative and immunomodulatory activities that are crucial for the regulation of immune responses. We examined a group of military pilots. The examinees were divided into 3 subgroups: ground personnel (9 persons, control group), 17 pilots with <1000 h flight time, and 12 pilots with >1000 h flight time. No differences in IFN-α serum content after induction by NDV virus were detected. The quality of reparation is in many respects genetically determined; therefore, we used peripheral blood lymphocytes from pilots for in vitro detection of a radioadaptive response (RAR), which was evaluated by the number of chromosome aberrations. The adaptive response was observed in 7 individuals of the control group (78%), in 10 pilots who had <1000 flight hours (59%), and in 4 pilots having >1000 flight hours (33%). The examined individuals were divided into 2 groups depending on the presence of RAR, and IFN-γ production after radiation was measured. It was shown that at doses 0.05 Gy or 0.5 Gy no differences between groups were detected. Exposure with these doses sequentially in 48 h interval resulted to differently directed changes: lymphocytes of individuals with RAR produced more IFN-γ than before while cells of persons without RAR made it less. The quality of adaptive mechanists evaluated by RAR may be useful for estimation of individual sensitivity to radiation during radiotherapy in oncology and in prediction of professional risk.
Abstract: Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) is a pleiotropic cytokine with antiproliferative and immunomodulatory activities that are crucial for the regulation of immune responses. We examined a group of military pilots. The examinees were divided into 3 subgroups: ground personnel (9 persons, control group), 17 pilots with <1000 h flight time, and 12 pilots with >1000 h flight time. No differences in IFN-α se1000 h flight time, and 12 pilots with >...
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Radiobiological Foundation of Crew Radiation Risk for Mars Mission to the Problem of the Space Flight Safety
Aleksandr Shafirkin
Yury Grigoriev
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-2, January 2015
Pages: 32-42
Received: 10 December 2014
Accepted: 13 December 2014
Published: 27 December 2014
Abstract: This paper presents results of radiobiological experiments, a new concept of radiation hazard on the basis of a generalized dosimetric function, which are foundation of crew radiation risk for Mars mission. The results of 14-year biological experiment on comprehensive clinico-physiological study of 250 dogs exposure to gamma-radiation 60Co during 3 and 6 years 22 hours per day, modeling the impact of space radiation on the crew of a space shuttle flight to Mars are presented also. In this experiment dose and dose rate varied to simulate galactic cosmic ray (GCR) dose and dose from stochastic irradiation caused by solar cosmic rays (SCR). It details observations made on the animals throughout the course of the dogs’ lives, both during and eight years after radiation exposure. It includes data on dose dependence, threshold levels of radiation causing adverse health effects, as well as on the nature of radiation reactions as they develop in different organs and body systems chronically exposed to larger doses. This multi-year experiment was conducted by scientists of the State Research Center Institute of Biomedical Problems (Russian Academy of Sciences) with the active participation of the Institute of Biophysics (now Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency). Based on results obtained in this study and in experiments realized with big amount of small laboratory animals that were exposed to a wide dose and dose rate range, using other published data, mathematical models were developed, e.g. a model of radiation damage forming as dependent on time with taking into account recovery processes, and model of radiation mortality rate of mammals. Based on these models and analysis of radiation environment behind various shielding on the route to Mars, crew radiation risk was calculated for space missions of various duration. Total radiation risk values for cosmonauts lifetime after the missions were also estimated together with expected life span reduction.
Abstract: This paper presents results of radiobiological experiments, a new concept of radiation hazard on the basis of a generalized dosimetric function, which are foundation of crew radiation risk for Mars mission. The results of 14-year biological experiment on comprehensive clinico-physiological study of 250 dogs exposure to gamma-radiation 60Co during 3...
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The Embryonic Development of Great Ramshorn Planorbarius Corneus under the Hypomagnetic Field
S. S. Moisa
A. A. Zotin
V. V. Tsetlin
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-2, January 2015
Pages: 25-31
Received: 24 November 2014
Accepted: 1 December 2014
Published: 27 December 2014
Abstract: The effect of a 100-300-fold attenuated geomagnetic field on the embryonic development of great ramshorn Planorbarius corneus and oxidation-reduction properties in water environment were studied in a hypomagnetic chamber. Mainly the hypomagnetic field effected beneficial influence on the development of mollusks: teratogenic effects were less massive, i.e. embryos that first occurred in hypomagnetic conditions were characterized by low death rate. The mobility index increased in embryos on the stage of late veliger and post-metamorphosis. Under the sharp increasing of the magnetic field to the normal level the embryos and juvenile mollusks rapidly perished (practically, their growth was stopped). Type of induction was dependent on adaptation of juvenile P. corneus to a magnetic field. Mollusks growth in the normal geomagnetic field would prefer the conditions with maximal induction, whereas mollusks developed in the hypomagnetic chamber, on the contrary, chose the conditions with minimal induction. It was revealed that the oxidation-reduction potential of water increased as magnetic induction attenuated pointing to a natural decline that testifies about the regular decreasing of internal energy of water molecules, which, in our opinion, is caused the inhibition of the mollusk embryonic development.
Abstract: The effect of a 100-300-fold attenuated geomagnetic field on the embryonic development of great ramshorn Planorbarius corneus and oxidation-reduction properties in water environment were studied in a hypomagnetic chamber. Mainly the hypomagnetic field effected beneficial influence on the development of mollusks: teratogenic effects were less massiv...
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Metabolic and Morphological Changes in Rats’ Eye after 7-Days Microgravity Simulation
Margarita Vyalkina
Anatoly Fedorov
Erika Eskina
Yulia Medvedeva
Elena Arkhipova
Marina Lebedeva
Nadezhda Khlebnikova
Mikhail Baranov
Mikhail Karganov
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-2, January 2015
Pages: 18-24
Received: 24 November 2014
Accepted: 26 November 2014
Published: 27 December 2014
Abstract: Microgravity simulation in rats resulted to changes in eye lavage content. Molecular subfraction analysis with laser correlation spectroscopy revealed significant differences in the pattern of particle distribution in five intervals: 1.9 -2.56 nm, 4.64-6.25 nm, 91.3 nm, 165-300 nm, and 400-734 nm. Microgravity modeling induced a series of interrelated processes in the retina of experimental rats manifesting in decreasing of total and layer-by-layer thickness of the retina, mild edema, and consequently, the increasing of specific density of neurons. In the inner nuclear layer, the cell density decreased because of the amacrine and bipolar cells. These changes could be explained by relative ischemia of the retinal layers, which are dependent on the retinal vessels circulation system.
Abstract: Microgravity simulation in rats resulted to changes in eye lavage content. Molecular subfraction analysis with laser correlation spectroscopy revealed significant differences in the pattern of particle distribution in five intervals: 1.9 -2.56 nm, 4.64-6.25 nm, 91.3 nm, 165-300 nm, and 400-734 nm. Microgravity modeling induced a series of interrel...
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The Effects of Gamma-Irradiation in Sub-Lethal Doses in Mice with Different Radiosensitivity
Yulia Medvedeva
Elena Arkhipova
Irina Alchinova
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-2, January 2015
Pages: 13-17
Received: 20 November 2014
Accepted: 25 November 2014
Published: 29 November 2014
Abstract: Reactions to gamma-irradiation in an acute dose of 750 R in C57BL/6, 101/Hf and С3H/Sn mice at different physiological levels were analyzed. In C3H/Sn and 101/Hf mice, light scattering spectrum was shifted towards small particles, while in C57BL/6 mice increased contribution of large particles was observed. In 3 weeks, a shift towards larger particles was recorded in all three mouse strains, but its degree varied. By week 6, the histograms approached the control. Histological study showed that the incidence of severe injuries in the liver increased by the end of the experiment in C57BL/6 mice (but not in other mouse strains). The same shifts were observed in the pancreas and an opposite tendency was seen in the spleen. Thus, C57BL/6 mice responded to irradiation later that C3H/Sn and 101/Hf mice, but demonstrated high adaptation capacity. C3H/Sn mice best of all recovered from the radiation crisis.
Abstract: Reactions to gamma-irradiation in an acute dose of 750 R in C57BL/6, 101/Hf and С3H/Sn mice at different physiological levels were analyzed. In C3H/Sn and 101/Hf mice, light scattering spectrum was shifted towards small particles, while in C57BL/6 mice increased contribution of large particles was observed. In 3 weeks, a shift towards larger partic...
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The Complex of Tests for the Quantitative Evaluation of the Effects of Radiation on Laboratory Animals
Irina Alchinova
Elena Arkhipova
Yulia Medvedeva
Anton Cherepov
Alexander Antipov
Nikolai Lysenko
Leonid Noskin
Mikhail Karganov
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-2, January 2015
Pages: 5-12
Received: 8 November 2014
Accepted: 12 November 2014
Published: 14 November 2014
Abstract: Exposure to ionizing radiation leads to exhaustion of the pool of stem cells, increases differentiated cell stress, and activated reparation and apoptosis processes. Apart from well-documented acute effects, radiotherapy leads to delayed effects manifesting in few years after successful treatment. The aim of our study was the development of a test battery for evaluation of irradiation aftereffects in organisms characterized by different radiosensitivity. We chose C57BL mice as the ideal strain, because according to published data, they are characterized by medium radiosensitivity. At the preliminary stage, we have to assess informative value of some methods for the sublethal irradiation dose of 750 R. For evaluation of the damaging effects of radiation (lymphocyte count and maturity), we used, along with classical criteria, some complex parameters (body weight, serum homeostasis, behavior) characterizing general status of the organism. We also performed histological analysis of the liver, spleen, and pancreas and ranged the injuries by their severity.
Abstract: Exposure to ionizing radiation leads to exhaustion of the pool of stem cells, increases differentiated cell stress, and activated reparation and apoptosis processes. Apart from well-documented acute effects, radiotherapy leads to delayed effects manifesting in few years after successful treatment. The aim of our study was the development of a test ...
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Changes in Serum and Cell Homeostasis under Irradiation: Factors of Distant Action
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-2, January 2015
Pages: 1-4
Received: 14 October 2014
Accepted: 21 October 2014
Published: 25 October 2014
Abstract: Extracellular DNA-containing substances can be used as a marker of the balance between two processes: elimination of cells with critical number of lesions and repair of genetic material due to the work of adaptive systems. The idea of using this criterion was inspired by the results of measuring exDNA in blood plasma of chronically irradiated individuals. Here we used material obtained after gamma-irradiation (total dose 0.5 Gy) and subsequent culturing of PHA-stimulated human peripheral blood lymphocytes. The culture medium and exDNA isolated by various methods were treated with DNase and pronase. The concentration of free exDNA isolated by phenol extraction was an individual sign. The culture medium supernatant contained considerable amounts of exDNA in the form of nucleoprotein; cleavage of the protein component of this nucleoprotein considerably increased the size of fragments (from 1 to 20 kb) and reduced their resistance to DNase.
Abstract: Extracellular DNA-containing substances can be used as a marker of the balance between two processes: elimination of cells with critical number of lesions and repair of genetic material due to the work of adaptive systems. The idea of using this criterion was inspired by the results of measuring exDNA in blood plasma of chronically irradiated indiv...
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